The True Pentecostal Church of California of the Apostolic Faith Inc.

Statement of Faith...

In the Oneness of God - One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism

That All Scriptures are Inspired by God - Both Old and New Testaments and are the final authority in all Matters.

Victorious Living is possible through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

It is the will of God that every believer Must Be Filled with the Holy Spirit.

Healing is provided through the Redemptive Work of Christ Jesusand is available to every Believer.

In the Second Coming of Christ - Personally and Visibly to establish His Kingdom.

We Believe and Preach: Water Baptism in Jesus' Name, The Lord's Supper and of Foot Washing.

The Church consist of all those who have received Christ Jesus as their Personal Lord & Savior.

The True Pentecostal Church Purpose Statement:

The True Pentecostal Church exists to REACH the non-believing community, to CONNECT them with other believers, to help them GROW in their Faith, and to challenge the growing to DISCOVER their ministry and HONOR God with their LIFE. TM The True Pentecostal Church of California, Inc 2002

The True Pentecostal Church Mission:

It is our mission to Empower and Equip each member of the True Pentecostal Church to become an effective soul winner, to take this So Great Salvation to The Streets.

What We Believe

The True Pentecostal Church of California, Inc. VISION:

It is the vision of the True Pentecostal Church to embody a multi-racial, multi-cultural saving station, in stride with God's Great Commission. We envision accomplishing this by creating a church atmosphere so Spirit-Filled and Love Enriched, we invoke spiritual and physical healing and deliverance into the Body of Christ.

Articles of Declaration:

1. We are a church where the Word of God is Preached.

2. We are a church where the Truth is Revealed.

3. We Understand and are Sensitive to the conditions of the World, but we are not committed to the way of the world.

4. We are a church that is Not Sugglish, but is Progressive.

5. We are a church that is Informed, Consistent, and Organized.